Photo exhibit tells the untold story of a rich heritage of KSA

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and when a photographer narrates an unheard legend through a series of rare moments captured through time, the visual impact is bound to be everlasting.

Saudi voyager Fahad Mohamed Al-Safh launched his five-day photo exhibition on Sunday, where he unveiled 350 stunning photos captured across different parts of Saudi Arabia. It is a one of a kind exhibit where an exclusive collection of rare photos impeccably captures the essence of the country’s rich culture like never before. “It took me 25 years to compile 7 million photos across the Kingdom, of which I’m exhibiting 350,” he told Saudi Gazette.

As a child, Al-Safh was curious to explore his country and as he grew up, he developed a passion to document the traditions and culture of his motherland and bring to life the story behind every picture for the coming generations before it became history. He was concerned that with rapid economic development and expansion of cities, the rich heritage is slowly vanishing.

“For instance many bee hives in Taif have been destroyed due to urbanization. So when there is no documented evidence, what will we show our coming generations when they ask about their country?”

Travelling across numerous cities with a quest to document the country’s heritage was not an easy task. Al-Safh had to walk through vast deserts, climb upon rocky terrains, was even bruised and bitten by scorpions but was determined not to give up. Following his passion for exploring Saudi Arabia, he also founded a tour company called Explorer and Expat’s Tours, where he takes groups of tourists to explore hidden treasures across the Kingdom.

“My photo gallery is not just a gift for people of Saudi Arabia but for the whole world because our cultural roots of art and crafts, architecture, clothing, food and beverages come from so many different parts of the world.”

His gallery is divided into halls dedicated to different themes such as Hijaz and Red Sea, role of women in Islam, rare shots of holy sites and a special section dedicated to wonders of the Kingdom, such as houses carved inside caves in which people took shelter over 7000 years ago. He will hold these exhibitions across different cities of the Kingdom before travelling overseas to give the world a taste of Saudi culture. “I want to show the world we are much more than just a camel in the desert,” he said



Saudi Gazette - 2016/02/27

Fahad Gallery Traditional Museum

The Fahad Gallery Museum is a wondrous exploration of Saudi Arabia’s history, heritage and culture. The museum is the effort of a single man, Fahad Al Safh, who has been studying the Kingdom’s history and collecting souvenirs from all of its regions. The gallery is an effort to preserve the culture of Saudi Arabia and to pass on the knowledge Al Safh has to explorers and expats.

Visitors will be amazed to know that Al Sahf has a collection of 7 million photos from around Saudi. Although a small number of them are available for viewing in the gallery, the rest will be used for a bigger project that Al Sahf is developing.

The museum displays antiques, clothing, furniture and traditional seating already arranged. As a result of the open-style set up, visitors can experience the culture up close.

He works on ensuring the models and mannequins authentically represent the attire of the regions. The gallery, which opened this year, is divided into sections allocated to the regions and sub-cultures of Saudi Arabia, from Taif and Asir to Tabuk, Najd and Hijaz. Each section hosts wonderful displays and even little children dressed up in cultural clothes. Remarkably, visitors have the opportunity to observe and handle real falcons with thick gloves on.

Destenation Jeddah – 2017/07/1
